Bible Study Tools

Contains 30+ versions of the Bible, numerous commentaries, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and a great interlinear Bible which allows you to look up all the Greek or Hebrew words in a text, and will both define and pronounce them for you.

Bible Gateway

Contains 40+ versions of the English Bible, many more in other languages. Includes commentaries, dictionaries, and encyclopedias.  Includes IVP New Testament Commentary Series.

Blue Letter Bible

An excellent site in terms of content, but can be confusing initially as to how it works. Once you understand it, it is definitely a “go-to” site for Bible study.


A site that is extremely comprehensive in terms of commentaries and other resources for information on a specific passage

Planobible Chapel

Access the complete set of all of Dr. Thomas Constable’s expository commentaries on the entire Bible (over 7,000 pages total) ABSOLUTELY FREE! Dr. Constable is the Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary.