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The Community Fellowship Group seeks to bring together believers of all ages and in different places in their walk with the Lord. The goal is to build a community of diverse believers who invest in each others' lives, encourage discipleship and sacrificial service to one another, and to spur one another in love and devotion to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs

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Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs

August 20, 2023

Proverbs - Week 16 - Charting a Course: A Guide to a Righteous Life

Speaker: David Jenkins Series: Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs Topic: Community Fellowship Sunday School Electives Passage: Proverbs 10, Proverbs 16:2, Proverbs 16:3, Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 16:17, Proverbs 16:20, Proverbs 16:25, Proverbs 16:33

August 6, 2023

Proverbs - Week 14 - Stewardship of Resources: A Godly Guide to Spending Time and Money

Speaker: Mike Mitchell Series: Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs Topic: Community Fellowship Sunday School Electives Passage: Proverbs 1:19, Proverbs 3:13–3:15, Proverbs 10:15, Proverbs 11:4, Proverbs 14:31, Proverbs 15:22, Proverbs 22:4, Proverbs 24:33–24:34

July 23, 2023

Proverbs - Week 12 - Rooting out Anger

Speaker: Spencer Heckman Series: Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs Topic: Community Fellowship Sunday School Electives Passage: Proverbs 14:29, Proverbs 15:1, Proverbs 15:18, Proverbs 22:24, Proverbs 29:22

July 16, 2023

Proverbs - Week 11 - Taking Control of the Tongue

Speaker: Mike Arbia Series: Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs Topic: Community Fellowship Sunday School Electives Passage: Proverbs 14:9, Proverbs 15:1, Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 16:16–:17, Proverbs 22:24

July 9, 2023

Proverbs - Week 10 - Parental Admonitions: Specific Instructions from a Loving Father

Speaker: Frank DiPronio Series: Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs Topic: Community Fellowship Sunday School Electives Passage: Proverbs 23:19, Proverbs 13:20, Proverbs 6:27, Proverbs 20:1, Proverbs 23:29–23:35, Proverbs 15:16, Proverbs 19:27

July 2, 2023

Proverbs - Week 9 - Building a Godly Home

Speaker: Ben Kreloff Series: Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs Topic: Community Fellowship Sunday School Electives Passage: Proverbs 5:18–19, Proverbs 12:4, Proverbs 12:7, Proverbs 14:1, Proverbs 14:11, Proverbs 18:22, Proverbs 19:3, Proverbs 19:14, Proverbs 21:20, Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 22:15, Proverbs 23:13, Proverbs 29:15, Proverbs 29:17

June 18, 2023

Proverbs - Week 7 - A Godly Guide to Work: Labor and Laziness

Speaker: Bob Carver Series: Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs Topic: Community Fellowship Sunday School Electives Passage: Proverbs 6:6–6:11, Proverbs 10:5, Proverbs 10:26, Proverbs 12:27, Proverbs 13:14, Proverbs 15:19, Proverbs 21:25–21:26, Proverbs 24:30–24:32, Proverbs 26:13–23:16

June 4, 2023

Proverbs - Week 5 - How to be Pure in a Perverse World - Part 1

Speaker: Mike Arbia Series: Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs Topic: Community Fellowship Sunday School Electives Passage: Proverbs 5:1–5:4, Proverbs 6:20–6:24, Proverbs 7:1–7:23

May 28, 2023

Proverbs - Week 4 - Trusting the Sovereign God: How the Lord Establishes All Our Steps

Speaker: Ryan Helms Series: Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs Topic: Community Fellowship Sunday School Electives Passage: Proverbs 3:5–3:6, Proverbs 16:3, Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 21:1, Proverbs 21:31

May 7, 2023

Proverbs - Week 1 - Wisdom Defined: Fear of the Lord

Speaker: Jack Jenkins Series: Wisdom For the Ages: A Study of Proverbs Topic: Community Fellowship Sunday School Electives Passage: Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 8:13, Proverbs 9:10, Proverbs 10:27, Proverbs 14:26–14:27, Proverbs 16:6, Proverbs 19:23, Proverbs 31:30