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Central to the ministry of Lakeside is the expository (verse by verse) teaching and preaching of the Word of God. For nearly 40 years the pulpit ministry of our church has been characterized by sermons that provide teaching of the Bible in a way that is understandable and applicable to daily life. The word “expository” refers to exposing and bringing out the meaning of the texts of Scripture so that the original intent of the writer is understood. This is accomplished by systematically teaching verse by verse through books of the Bible, with the objective of being accurate in the interpretation, clear in the presentation, and practical in the application. The ultimate purpose of the pulpit ministry of Lakeside is to bring glory to God by helping believers in Christ grow spiritually and to proclaim the gospel to unbelievers.  Click below to listen or view the previous live streams. You can also follow us on Apple or Google podcast.

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Sermons from 1989

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December 24, 1989

The Lord's Supper - 5934

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon

December 24, 1989

The Birth Of The Special One - 5642

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon

December 17, 1989

The Priorities Of A Servant - 4974

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:35–39

December 10, 1989

Ecclesiastes - 5683

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon

December 10, 1989

The Compassionate Servant - 4184

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon

December 3, 1989

Proverbs - 5978

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon

December 3, 1989

The Authority Of Jesus Christ - 4973

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:21–28

November 26, 1989

The Giving of Thanks - 4599

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Ephesians 5:20

November 26, 1989

The Preaching Ministry Of Christ - 4183

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:14–20

November 19, 1989

The Imprecatory Psalms - 5682

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon

November 12, 1989

The Psalms - 5977

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon

November 12, 1989

The Temptation Of Christ - 4972

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:12–14

November 5, 1989

The Baptism Of Jesus - 4182

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:9–11

November 5, 1989

The Lord's Supper - Isaiah 53 - 3824

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Isaiah 53

October 29, 1989

The Gospel Of Mark - An Introduction - 4971

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:1–8

October 28, 1989

The Content of Evangelism - 6038

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon

October 22, 1989

The United Kingdom Period - Part 9 - 5681

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: 1 Kings 1–11

October 15, 1989

The United Kingdom Period - Part 8 - 5976

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: 2 Samuel 12–18

October 15, 1989

The Problem of Evangelism - 5741

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon

October 8, 1989

The Power for Evangelism - 6037

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon

October 1, 1989

The Content of the Gospel - 5740

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon

October 1, 1989

The Christ is One - 5388

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Revelation 5

September 24, 1989

The Problem of Evangelism - 6036

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon

September 24, 1989

The United Kingdom Period - Part 7 - 5680

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: 2 Samuel 11–12

September 17, 1989

The United Kingdom Period - Part 6 - Davidic Covenant - 5975

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: 2 Samuel 7

September 17, 1989

The Passion for Evangelism - 5739

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon

September 10, 1989

The United Kingdom Period - Part 5 - 5679

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: 2 Samuel 1–5

September 10, 1989

Why Give? - 4382

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 4:14–23

September 3, 1989

The United Kingdom Period - Part 4 - 5974

Passage: 1 Samuel 26–31,

September 3, 1989

The Lord's Supper - Cross & God's Righteousness - 4598

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Romans 3:24–26

August 27, 1989

The Secret Of Contentment - 5171

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 4:10–13

August 27, 1989

Elijah, A Man with a Nature Like Ours - 3980

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: 1 Kings 17:1–7

August 20, 1989

The United Kingdom Period - Part 3 - 5678

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: 1 Samuel 16–26

August 20, 1989

How To Have God's Peace - Part 2 - 4381

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 4:4–9

August 20, 1989

How To Have God's Peace - Part 2 - 4381

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 4:4–9

August 13, 1989

The Lord's Supper - The Love of Christ - 5401

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Romans 5:6–11

August 13, 1989

How To Have God's Peace - Part 1 - 5170

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 4:4–7

July 23, 1989

The United Kingdom Period - Part 2 - 5677

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: 1 Samuel 12–15

July 23, 1989

Resolving Church Conflicts - 4380

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 4:1–3

July 16, 1989

The United Kingdom Period - Part 1 - 5973

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: 1 Samuel 8–11

July 9, 1989

The Period Of The Judges - Part 7 - 5676

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: 1 Samuel 1–7

July 2, 1989

The Period Of The Judges - Part 6 - 5972

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Ruth 1–4

July 2, 1989

The Gains Of Coming To Christ - Part 2 - 4378

Passage: Philippians 3:10–11

June 25, 1989

The Period Of The Judges - Part 5 - 5675

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 17–21

June 11, 1989

The Period Of The Judges - Part 4 - 5971

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 13–16

May 28, 1989

The Period Of The Judges - Part 3 - 5674

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 6:36–11

May 21, 1989

The Period Of The Judges - Part 2 - 5970

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 2:6–6

May 21, 1989

Essentials Of Servanthood - Part 2 - 4376

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 2:25–30

May 14, 1989

The Period Of The Judges - Part 1 - 5969

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 1– 2:5

May 14, 1989

Essentials Of Servanthood - Part 1 - 5165

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 2:17–24

May 7, 1989

The Conquest Period - Part 3 - 5673

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Joshua 13–24

May 7, 1989

The Lord's Supper - 5640

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon

April 30, 1989

The Obedience Of Unity - Part 2 - 4375

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 2:14–16

April 23, 1989

The Conquest Period - Part 2 - 5968

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Joshua 7–12

April 23, 1989

The Obedience Of Unity - Part 1 - 5164

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 2:12–13

April 16, 1989

The Conquest Period - Part 1 - 5672

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Joshua 1–6

April 16, 1989

The Exaltation Of Christ - 4374

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 2:9–11

April 9, 1989

The Exodus Period - Part 6 - 5967

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Deuteronomy 5–34

April 9, 1989

The Mind Of Christ - 5163

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 2:5–8

April 2, 1989

The Exodus Period - Part 5 - 5671

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Deuteronomy 1–4

April 2, 1989

Producing A Unified Church - Part 2 - 5162

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 2:3–4

March 26, 1989

Witnesses of the Resurrection - 5387

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: John 20:19–23

March 19, 1989

The Exodus Period - Part 4 - 5966

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Numbers 21–36

March 19, 1989

Producing A Unified Church - Part 1 - 4372

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 2:1–2

March 12, 1989

The Conduct Of Citizens - 5161

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 1:27–30

March 12, 1989

The Exodus Period - Part 3 - 3843

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Numbers 1–20

March 5, 1989

Joy In Suffering - Part 3 - 4371

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 1:21–26

February 26, 1989

Joy In Suffering - Part 2 - 5160

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 1:19–21

February 19, 1989

The Exodus Period - Part 2 - 3991

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Exodus 25–40,

February 19, 1989

The Exodus Period - Part 1 - 3842

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Exodus 1–24

February 18, 1989

Joy In Suffering - Part 1 - 4370

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 1:12–18

February 12, 1989

Joyful Praying - Part 2 - 5159

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 1:7–11

February 5, 1989

The Patriarchal Period - Part 3 - 7133

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon

February 5, 1989

Joyful Praying - Part 1 - 4369

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 1:3–6

January 29, 1989

Genesis - Part 2 - 7132

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Genesis 12–50

January 29, 1989

The Letter Of Joy - 5158

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 1:1–2

January 22, 1989

Genesis - Part 1 - 7130

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Genesis 1–11

January 15, 1989

Bible Questions & Answers - 5944

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, Elder Q & A

January 15, 1989

The Reason For Marriage - Part 2 - 5638

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon

January 8, 1989

Bible Questions & Answers - 5931

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon