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Central to the ministry of Lakeside is the expository (verse by verse) teaching and preaching of the Word of God. For nearly 40 years the pulpit ministry of our church has been characterized by sermons that provide teaching of the Bible in a way that is understandable and applicable to daily life. The word “expository” refers to exposing and bringing out the meaning of the texts of Scripture so that the original intent of the writer is understood. This is accomplished by systematically teaching verse by verse through books of the Bible, with the objective of being accurate in the interpretation, clear in the presentation, and practical in the application. The ultimate purpose of the pulpit ministry of Lakeside is to bring glory to God by helping believers in Christ grow spiritually and to proclaim the gospel to unbelievers.  Click below to listen or view the previous live streams. You can also follow us on Apple or Google podcast.

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Sermons from 1998

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December 27, 1998

How To Be At Peace With A Neighbor - 3770

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 21:22–34

December 13, 1998

The Birth Of Isaac - 3918

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 21:1–21

December 6, 1998

The Gospel According to Isaiah - 3857

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Isaiah 53

December 6, 1998

God's Faithfulness To The Faithless - 3769

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 20

November 29, 1998

The Destruction Of Sodom - Part 2 - 3917

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 19:15–38

November 22, 1998

The Destruction Of Sodom - Part 1 - 3768

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 19:1–14

November 22, 1998

Paul's Defense Before Rome - Part 2 - 5819

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Acts 26:1–11

November 1, 1998

The Judge Of All The Earth - 3916

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 18:22–33

November 1, 1998

Canceling Our Debt - 5443

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Colossians 2:13–15

October 25, 1998

The Friend Of God - Part 2 - 3767

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 18:9–21

October 18, 1998

The Friend Of God - Part 1 - 3915

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 18:1–8

October 4, 1998

El Shaddai - Part 2 - 3766

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 17:15–27

September 27, 1998

El Shaddai - Part 1 - 3914

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Genesis 17:1–14

September 20, 1998

Helping Out God - 3765

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 16

September 13, 1998

The Abrahamic Covenant - 3913

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 15:7–21

September 13, 1998

Paul's Defense Before Rome - Part 1 - 5818

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Acts 24

September 6, 1998

Abraham - Justified by Works - 4653

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: James 2:14–24

September 6, 1998

Paul's Faithful Witness - 6128

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Acts 21:27– 23:11

August 30, 1998

From Fear To Faith - 3764

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 15:1–6

August 23, 1998

The Joy of Giving - 6127

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service

August 16, 1998

Abraham - Our Example - 3912

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 14

August 9, 1998

How Men Of Faith Resolve Conflicts - 3763

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Genesis 13

July 12, 1998

Failing God's Test - 3911

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 12:10–20

July 5, 1998

Forgiving Others - 5442

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Matthew 6:12– :15

July 5, 1998

The Call Of Abraham - Part 3 - 3762

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 12:4–9

June 28, 1998

The Call Of Abraham - Part 2 - 3910

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 12:2–3

June 28, 1998

Paul's Concern For Unity - 6126

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Acts 21:17–26

June 21, 1998

Determined To Obey God - 5817

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Acts 21:1–14

June 7, 1998

Love for Jesus - 4652

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: John 12:1–6

June 7, 1998

The Call Of Abraham - Part 1 - 3761

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 11:10– 12:1

May 31, 1998

The Tower Of Babel - 3909

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Mankind: One Race, Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 11:1–9

May 31, 1998

The Care Of The Church - Part 2 - 5816

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Acts 20:32–35

May 24, 1998

The Sons Of Noah And The Nations Of The World - 3760

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: Mankind: One Race Topic: Mankind: One Race, Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 9:26– 10:32

May 17, 1998

The Prophecy Of Noah - Part 2 - 3908

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: Mankind: One Race Topic: Mankind: One Race, Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 9:24–25

May 10, 1998

The Prophecy Of Noah - Part 1 - 3759

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: Mankind: One Race Topic: Mankind: One Race, Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 9:18–23

May 3, 1998

The Care Of The Church - Part 1 - 6125

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Acts 20:28–31

May 3, 1998

The Rainbow Covenant - 3907

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Genesis 9:8–17

April 26, 1998

The Preservation Of Mankind - 3758

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Genesis 9:1–7

April 19, 1998

Committed Service - Part 2 - 5815

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Acts 20:21–24

April 19, 1998

God Remembered Noah - Part 2 - 3906

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Genesis 8:15–22

April 12, 1998

Trusting the Risen Lord - 5441

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: John 21:1–14

April 5, 1998

What Kind of King? - 4651

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 11:1–11

March 29, 1998

God Remembered Noah - Part 1 - 3757

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Genesis 8:1–14

March 26, 1998

Committed Service - Part 1 - 6124

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Acts 20:17–20

March 22, 1998

Noah And The Flood - Part 4 -3905

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Genesis 7:13–24

March 8, 1998

A Living Hope - 5440

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: PM Service, Sermon Passage: 1 Peter 1:2–5

March 8, 1998

Noah And The Flood - Part 3 - 3756

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Genesis 7:10–12

March 1, 1998

Noah And The Flood - Part 2 - 3904

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Genesis 7:1–9

February 22, 1998

Principles For A Church Meeting - 6123

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Acts 20:7–12

February 22, 1998

Noah And The Flood - Part 1 - 3755

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Genesis 6:9–22

February 15, 1998

Paul's Love For The Church - 5814

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Romans 16:1–16

February 15, 1998

The Corruption Of The Human Race - Part 2 - 3903

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 6:4–8

February 1, 1998

Accepting Each Other - 6122

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Romans 14:1–2

February 1, 1998

The Corruption Of The Human Race - Part 1 - 3754

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 6:1–3

January 25, 1998

Paying Taxes - 5813

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Romans 13:6–7

January 25, 1998

The Reign Of Death - 3902

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 5

January 18, 1998

The Start Of Secular Society - 3753

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 4:16–26

January 11, 1998

A Biblical Response To Enemies - Part 2 - 6121

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Romans 12:18–21

January 11, 1998

Portrait Of A Rebel - Part 2 - 3901

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Genesis 4:9–15