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Central to the ministry of Lakeside is the expository (verse by verse) teaching and preaching of the Word of God. For nearly 40 years the pulpit ministry of our church has been characterized by sermons that provide teaching of the Bible in a way that is understandable and applicable to daily life. The word “expository” refers to exposing and bringing out the meaning of the texts of Scripture so that the original intent of the writer is understood. This is accomplished by systematically teaching verse by verse through books of the Bible, with the objective of being accurate in the interpretation, clear in the presentation, and practical in the application. The ultimate purpose of the pulpit ministry of Lakeside is to bring glory to God by helping believers in Christ grow spiritually and to proclaim the gospel to unbelievers.  Click below to listen or view the previous live streams. You can also follow us on Apple or Google podcast.

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Sermons from April 2016

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April 24, 2016

Suffering and the Word of God - Part 1 - 6811

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Psalm 119:17–20

April 17, 2016

The Purifying Power of the Word of God - 6808

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Psalm 119:9–16

April 17, 2016

Filled to the Fullness of God - 6807

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Ephesians 3:19b–21

April 10, 2016

The Word of God in the Life of A Believer - 6803

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Psalm 119:1–8

April 10, 2016

Rooted, Grounded and Comprehending Christ's Love - Part 2 - 6804

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Ephesians 3:18–19

April 3, 2016

The Wisdom of God - 6800

Speaker: Joe Trofemuk Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service

April 3, 2016

Stop Trying - 6799

Speaker: Jason Bruns Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Genesis 17:1–14