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Central to the ministry of Lakeside is the expository (verse by verse) teaching and preaching of the Word of God. For nearly 40 years the pulpit ministry of our church has been characterized by sermons that provide teaching of the Bible in a way that is understandable and applicable to daily life. The word “expository” refers to exposing and bringing out the meaning of the texts of Scripture so that the original intent of the writer is understood. This is accomplished by systematically teaching verse by verse through books of the Bible, with the objective of being accurate in the interpretation, clear in the presentation, and practical in the application. The ultimate purpose of the pulpit ministry of Lakeside is to bring glory to God by helping believers in Christ grow spiritually and to proclaim the gospel to unbelievers.  Click below to listen or view the previous live streams. You can also follow us on Apple or Google podcast.

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Sermons from Mark

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May 21, 2023

The Marks of a Faithful Servant - 9382

Speaker: Jack Jenkins Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 2:13–17

April 17, 2022

Believing with Certainty in Christ's Resurrection - 7688

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 16:1–8

July 31, 2016

3 Responses to Encountering Jesus - 6848

Speaker: Ben Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 5:1–20

March 27, 2016

Confident of Christ's Resurrection - 6795

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 16:1–8

July 26, 2015

The Compassion of Christ - 6668

Speaker: David Jenkins Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 5:25–34

May 1, 2011

Cure My Unbelief - 4796

Speaker: Phil Johnson Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 9:24

April 4, 2010

The Certainty of Christ's Resurrection - 5553

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 16:1–8

February 21, 2010

Jesus Does All Things Well - 5550

Speaker: Tom Marinello Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 7:31–37

April 15, 2001

The Assurance of Christ's Resurrection - 5450

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 16:1–8

April 1, 2001

Worshiping God - Part 4 - 4660

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: The Act Of Worship Topic: AM Service, Sermon, The Act Of Worship Passage: Mark 14:1–11

December 26, 1999

Putting the 2nd Coming of Christ in Perspective - 5831

Passage: Mark 13, Matthew 24

April 5, 1998

What Kind of King? - 4651

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 11:1–11

March 30, 1997

The Assurance of Christ's Resurrection - 4649

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Mark 16:1–8

July 7, 1996

The Lord's Supper - Following A Crucified Savior - 5437

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 8:34

February 5, 1995

The Lord's Supper - Peter's Denial of Christ - 4643

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Mark 14:66–72

May 1, 1994

Taking Up Our Cross - 5420

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Mark 8:27–34

January 9, 1994

The Lord's Supper - Crucify Him - 5410

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Mark 15:5–15

September 12, 1993

Making Sense of the Cross - 4611

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 15:33–41

May 16, 1993

The Gospel Of Mark - Part 3 - 5729

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Mark 10:32–45

April 18, 1993

The Gospel Of Mark - Part 1 - Introduction - 5728

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Mark 1:35–39

March 7, 1993

Devotion to Christ - 5398

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Mark 14:3–9

January 19, 1992

The Work Continues - 4228

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 16:9–20

January 12, 1992

The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ - 5017

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 16:1–8

December 29, 1991

The Burial Of Christ - 4227

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 15:42–47

December 15, 1991

The Significance Of The Cross - Part 2 - 5016

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 15:33–41

December 8, 1991

The Significance Of The Cross - Part 1 - 4226

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 15:21–32

November 29, 1991

The First Lord's Supper - 5010

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Mark 14:22–26

November 3, 1991

Peter's Denial Of Christ - 4223

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 14:66–72

October 27, 1991

The Trial Of Christ - 5012

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 14:53–65

October 20, 1991

The Arrest Of Christ - 4222

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 14:43–52

October 13, 1991

Steps To Spiritual Disaster - Part 2 - 5011

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 14:32–42

October 6, 1991

Steps To Spiritual Disaster - Part 1 - 4221

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 14:27–31

September 22, 1991

Jesus And The Betrayer - 4220

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 14:12–21

September 15, 1991

True Devotion - 5009

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 14:1–11

August 18, 1991

The Time Of Christ's Return - Part 2 - 5008

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 13:33–37

August 11, 1991

The Time Of Christ's Return - Part 1 - 4218

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: PM Service Topic: Sermon, PM Service Passage: Mark 13:28–32

July 21, 1991

Birth Pains For The Kingdom - Part 5 - 5007

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 13:19–27

July 14, 1991

Birth Pains For The Kingdom - Part 4 - 4217

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 13:11–18

July 7, 1991

Birth Pains For The Kingdom - Part 3 - 5006

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 13:9–10

June 30, 1991

Birth Pains For The Kingdom - Part 2 - 4216

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 13:5–8

June 23, 1991

Birth Pains For The Kingdom - Part 1 - 5005

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 13:1–6

June 16, 1991

Christ's Commendation Of A Widow - 4215

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 12:41–44

June 9, 1991

The Charge Against False Teachers - 5004

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 12:38–40

June 2, 1991

David's Son And Lord - 4214

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: Essentials For Christian Growth Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 12:35–37

May 26, 1991

The Greatest Commandment - 4213

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 12:28–34

May 19, 1991

A Question About The Resurrection - 5002

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 12:18–27

May 12, 1991

A Question About Taxes - 4212

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 12:13–17

May 5, 1991

God's Response To Unbelief - Part 2 - 5001

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 12:6–12

April 28, 1991

God's Response To Unbelief - Part 1 - 4211

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 11:27– 12:12

April 21, 1991

Mountain-Moving Faith - 5000

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 11:19–26

April 14, 1991

The Hypocrisy Of Israel - 4210

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 11:12–18

March 27, 1991

The Presentation Of The King - 4999

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 11:1–11

February 24, 1991

Servanthood - 4998

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 10:32–45

February 17, 1991

The Problem With Trusting Money - 4997

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 10:23–31

February 3, 1991

Obstacles To Salvation - 4207

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 10:17–22

January 27, 1991

Jesus And Children - 4996

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 10:13–16

January 20, 1991

The Question Of Divorce - Part 2 - 4206

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 10:10–12

January 13, 1991

The Question Of Divorce - Part 1 - 4995

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 10:1–9

December 16, 1990

Causing A Believer To Stumble - 4205

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 9:38–50

December 9, 1990

True Greatness - 4994

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 9:30–37

December 2, 1990

Failure And Faith - 4204

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 9:14–29

November 25, 1990

The Crucified Messiah - 4993

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 9:9–13

November 18, 1990

Assurances Of A Coming Kingdom - 4203

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 9:1–8

November 11, 1990

Principles Of Discipleship - Part 3 - 4202

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 8:35–38

November 4, 1990

Principles Of Discipleship - Part 2 - 4991

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Mark 8:34

October 28, 1990

Principles Of Discipleship - Part 1 - 4201

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 8:22–33

October 21, 1990

Four Errors To Avoid - 4990

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 8:14–21

October 14, 1990

Persistent Unbelief - 4200

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 8:11–13

October 7, 1990

The Feeding Of The Four Thousand - 4989

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 8:1–10

September 30, 1990

A Ministry Of Compassion - 4199

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 7:31–37

September 23, 1990

Great Faith - 4988

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 7:24–30

September 16, 1990

The Dangers Of Tradition - Part 2 - 4198

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Mark 7:14–23

September 9, 1990

The Dangers Of Tradition - Part 1 - 4987

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 7:1–13

August 26, 1990

For Slow Learners - 4986

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 6:45–56

August 12, 1990

Lessons For Servants - 4196

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 6:30–44

August 5, 1990

Analysis Of Unbelief - 4985

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 6:14–29

July 29, 1990

Ministry To Unbelievers - 4195

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 6:7–13

July 8, 1990

Characteristics Of Unbelief - 4984

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 6:1–6

July 1, 1990

Christ's Power Over Disease And Death - 4194

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 5:21–43

June 24, 1990

Dominion Over Demons - 4983

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 5:1–20

June 10, 1990

Storm Theology - 4193

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 4:35–41

June 3, 1990

Kingdom Truths For Today - Part 2 - 4982

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 4:30–34

May 20, 1990

Kingdom Truths For Today - Part 1 - 4192

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 4:21–29

May 6, 1990

The Parable Of The Soils - Part 2 - 4191

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: AM Service, Sermon Passage: Mark 4:16–20

April 22, 1990

The Parable Of The Soils - Part 1 - 4980

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 4:1–15

April 8, 1990

Christ's Spiritual Family - 4190

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 3:31–35

April 1, 1990

Lunatic, Liar, or Lord? - 4979

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 3:20–30

March 11, 1990

The Twelve Usable Apostles - 4189

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 3:16–19

March 4, 1990

The Pressures Of A Busy Ministry - 4978

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 3:7–15

February 25, 1990

Lord Of The Sabbath - Part 2 - 4188

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 3:1–6

February 18, 1990

Lord Of The Sabbath - Part 1 - 4977

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 2:23– 3:6

February 4, 1990

The Bridegroom And Fasting - 4187

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 2:18–22

January 28, 1990

The Call Of Levi - 4976

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 2:13–17

January 21, 1990

The Healing Of A Paralytic - 4975

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 2:1–12

January 14, 1990

The Cleansing Of A Leper - 4185

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon, AM Service Passage: Mark 1:40–45

December 17, 1989

The Priorities Of A Servant - 4974

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:35–39

December 3, 1989

The Authority Of Jesus Christ - 4973

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:21–28

November 26, 1989

The Preaching Ministry Of Christ - 4183

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:14–20

November 12, 1989

The Temptation Of Christ - 4972

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:12–14

November 5, 1989

The Baptism Of Jesus - 4182

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:9–11

October 29, 1989

The Gospel Of Mark - An Introduction - 4971

Speaker: Steve Kreloff Series: AM Service Topic: Sermon Passage: Mark 1:1–8